Round and round

What I'm working on in the studio today

Christian Maychack

Unbelievable show. Check it out at Jeff Bailey Gallery, Chelsea.

Gretchen is Strange

I met Gretchen Skogerson at a residency at Ucross in 2009. I was a little intimidated, as she'd just come off doing the Whitney Biennial. But it turns out, she's awesome. Her work is gorgeous and smart. And she is also a really good baker.

She just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of her new film Strange Play. I pledged $35, and I'm going to get a new ringtone that she designed, as well as the warm fuzzies. Check out her project here:


Hannah & Hannah

I had a lovely visit to the studio of painter Hannah Barrett yesterday. Her paintings are dark, jangly, gender-bending and beautifully painted. They are loaded to the hilt with historical, decorative and folk art references.



Hannah in her studio


Geometric Awesome: Studio visit with Nate Ethier

I just got back from a studio visit with painter Nate Ethier, and wow. Kenneth Noland said he wanted his geometric chevron paintings to be read from a speeding car. But Nate's paintings reward the careful viewer. He has a beautiful touch, gorgeous surfaces, and color and patterns that thwart your expectations.

this pattern has a complex repeat



Richard Serra, Dana McClure

An amazing experience in the canyons of Richard Serra yesterday with my friend Dana.

Rust turned velvet.


Chelsea Gals

Yesterday I went gallery-hopping in Chelsea with my friend Gretchen. There were some better-than-usual group shows, including this stunner of an abstraction show at Mitchell-Innes and Nash, featuring Katherine Bernhardt, Alfred Jensen, Chris Johanson, Chris Martin, Andrew Masullo, and Judith Scott:



Gretchen checking her phone at a show about technology


Some great drawings by Denise Kupferschmidt at Nicole Klagsbrun:


And beloved Richard Tuttle at Pace:

I call this one "grapes and a bra, ringed with hotdogs." Or maybe I was hungry.


Studio visit with Dana McClure

I spent a lovely evening noshing with and visiting the studio of Dana McClure.  I first met Dana across the hall from my studio, doing great design work at Double Triple. Recently, she's been making bright process-oriented silkscreens through a faculty residency at Parsons. Check 'em out:

the studio


Orchid Screen Print


The Latest: one of Dana's "Curiosities Collages"


My favorites: Line Series Monoprints

More of Dana's work at

In the studio: finished one!

Today in the studio, I'm working on peeling paint, highlights and shadows on two metal grates. And I just finished one!